10 Tips To Be A “Hustler” at High School Tryouts

The High School basketball season is right around the corner! This is a very exciting and challenging time of year, as tryouts are soon. For most players, tryouts can bring feelings of anxiety and nervousness. These feelings are felt by a vast majority of high school players regardless of skill level or grade, you are not alone. 

Heading into tryouts, trust yourself that you have put in the work during the off season. Now, it is your time to shine. You are given the opportunity to showcase the skills you dedicated to enhancing. 

In this blog, you will find 10 tips of how to find success at your High School tryouts. We hope that our helpful words of advice bring you more confidence and less worries ahead of tryouts. We wish you the best of luck at tryouts. We’re always rooting for your success! You got this!

1. Nerves are normal! 

Let’s say it again…nerves are normal. There’s no judgement in how you are feeling about tryouts. If you find yourself needing some positive words of encouragement, try using one of the “I” statements below. Or create your own “I” statement to use when you need it. For example, you can use positive words of affirmation during tryouts if you just made a mistake, to get yourself into a better mindset or before tryouts to get yourself into a positive headspace. 

  • I am confident in my basketball abilities. 
  • I am a smart basketball player. 
  • I will be the fastest player on the court. 
  • I am a great shooter. 
  • I can stop any player I defend.

2. Be organized and be on time

The night before tryouts, organize all the equipment and items you need. Make sure you have extra food/snacks and water to be well hydrated and fueled up. Show up at least thirty-twenty minutes before the start time of tryouts. During this time, get your body warmed up and stretched out before stepping onto the court.

3. Be vocal & bring the energy

Use your voice, constantly. Being vocal begins as soon as you step on to the court. Call out screens for other players, let your teammates know when a shot is going up and be loud on all defensive plays. Try to go outside your comfort zone to become more of a vocal leader, possession by possession. By being vocal this shifts the energy in the gym and will cause more players to use their voices. Be the player that continuously contributes positive energy to other players. 

4. Be a great teammate

Being a great teammate means that you make your teammates around you better players on and off the court. Encourage the players around you by having a positive attitude. Display great sportsmanship on and off the court by showing kindness and respect to all staff and other players. Remember to always be the type of teammate that you want to have on your team.  

5. Have positive body language 

Body language is crucial. Your body language sometimes speaks more than the words you speak. Here’s a few examples of how to show positive body language during tryouts: 

  • When a player falls on the floor, run over to be the first to help them up.
  • If you are waiting in line during a drill, cheer for your teammates by clapping or saying encouraging words. 
  • Point at or give a high five to a teammate after they give you a good pass. 
  • Give as many supportive positive touches (high five, fist bump, chest bump) you can! 
  • Another player makes a mistake on the court, give them a supportive touch to let them know you got their back. 

6. Mistakes, we all make them

Every basketball player makes mistakes. However, it is how you react to those mistakes that personifies the type of player you will become. When a mistake is made, use the next play mentality. For example, if you cause a turnover to the other team, sprint back down the other side of the court and get in a great defensive position.  This will show that you are capable of moving on from mistakes and letting go of previous plays. Learn from each play and be ready for what is in front of you. 

7. Be a HUSTLER 

Is there a loose ball on the floor, go and get it! Did coach just say, “everyone on the line”, sprint to the line every time. Has no one taken an offensive charge yet? be the first player to take the hard foul. During tryouts challenge yourself to be the best hustler on the court during each drill and scrimmage. These are things that every player is possible of doing and help to make their teams become successful on and off the court. 

8. Body & mind rest is crucial 

The night prior to tryouts get at least eight hours of sleep, feed your body with well balanced meals and hydrate! Rest your body and your mind by doing something that relaxes you. Maybe that is spending time with your family and friends, playing with pets, watching your favorite movie or tv show, listening to music, journaling and taking a break from social media. Do something for yourself that will make you feel the most confident and prepared for the next day. 

9. Listen & Learn

Pay attention with your whole body while the coach and other players are speaking to you. If a coach is explaining a drill, listen to all the directions and steps to take to accomplish the task within the drill. When the coach needs someone to demonstrate the drill, take a chance and step up to volunteer. And if you have a question because you are unsure or do not understand something, ask a thoughtful question. Anytime you are on the court is a time to learn and get better, even at tryouts. Learning never stops. 

10. Be you and enjoy the moment 

Have fun! You play basketball because you enjoy playing the game. Don’t forget that. You know your strengths as a player, so be you on the court! Trust yourself that you will be great! 

Written by: Katie Zenevitch-Reyes, Hardwood Hustle Coach and Client Success Manager



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